- Countries of the Years
2009 Denmark
is Country of the Year at Biofach, but it is not for the first time.
In 1997 Denmark was - together with Sweden, Norway, Iceland and
Finland - also Countries of the Year at Biofach. At that time however
Biofach was held in Frankfurt and not yet in Nürnberg. Also
France and Italy has been Country of the Year several times. See
the list of Countries of the Year since 1996.
3. February
Danish organic companies on Biofach 2009
is Country of the Year on Biofach next month and a lot of money and
time has been used to ensure that Danish organic food will be promoted
in Nürnberg. Nothing less than 38 food companies will be part of a
common stand at Biofach. See list
of Danish companies participating in Nürnberg. 14.
January 2009
% increase in organic sales
turnover of organic foods on the Danish market increased with 33
percent in 2007. The value of the Danish organic market is now 480
million Euro. Read more
about the Danish market August
Casmose goes organic
the opening of Copenhagen Fashion Week the Danish designer Tina
Casmose presented a textile collection for women with the title Eco
- Not Ego.
Tina Casmose has
been working with organic textiles for many years but with the growing
public interest in organic textiles she now sees the opportunity to go
fully organic. Her collection is now 75 percent organic but next year
she expect it to be a 100 percent organic collection. Read
more August
Festival in Copenhagen
As a
"warming up" event for next years climate conference in
Copenhagen the city will have a Climate Festival already in September this year. Read
more August
Team wears organic
Danish Team at the Olympic Games will be wearing organic t-shirts when
they enter the stadium in Beijing in China this year. The fashion
company Bestseller is sponsor for the team and they decided that the
clothing should be - partly - organic. In the last year a number of
Bestseller's brands has introduced organic styles - among them Jack
& Jones and Vero Moda and lately also the brand for children
NameIT. Read more July
is growing - also in China
is mainly known for the yearly fair in Nürnberg (Nuremberg), but
Biofach takes place in other places too and the regional Biofachs are
growing even faster than the mother-fair in Germany. The newest of the
Biofach fairs took place for the second time in May in Shanghai and
also here it was clear to see the growing interest in organic food. 25
percent more visitors came to this years organic fair China. Read
summer the The Roskilde Festival attracts 80.000 young people from
all over Europe. Photo: Roskilde Festival |
Festival receives green award
biggest music festival in Northern Europe - Roskilde Festival - will
in a few weeks receive the Green World Award for many years work to
make Roskilde Festival an environmentally friendly event.
Among other
initiatives the Roskilde Festival has used organic cotton to produce the
official festival T-shirt and organic food and recycling is
promoted. Read
conference in Copenhagen
December Bali hosted the latest conference on climate changes and
global warming. Denmark has accepted to host the next Climate
Conference - the last if a new protocol should be signed before the
Kyoto Protocol runs out in 2012. The
Climate Conference in Copenhagen wil take place in December 2009.
2008 |
World record in organic sales
The Danish supermarket
chain Irma claims to have set a new World record in organic
sales. Special offers, events in the shops and advertising ensured
that 34,2 percent of all sold products in the first week of October
were organic. The last record was also set by Irma selling 30,2
percent organic in the same week last year. The top selling shop was a
shop on Tagensvej in Copenhagen selling 46,1 percent organic in the
week of record.
Irma has 73
supermarkets in the eastern part of Denmark many of them in the
Copenhagen area. Irma is the Danish supermarket chain with the highest
relative organic sales in Denmark. Almost 20 percent of the turnover
refers to organic products. The average for all retail shops is
between 5 and 6 percent. Irma is owned by the COOP. October 2007 |
organic area increases again
For the first time in
five years the Danish organic area is growing again. 261 farmers have
applied for conversion to organic farming this year. At the same time
166 farmers have announced that they will stop farming or stop being
certified organic leaving a net increase of 95 organic farmers. The
Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries expects that the
organic area will increase with 20.200 hectares reaching 165.000 hectares.
In 2007 the ministry has sponsored a campaign to inspire more farmers
to convert to organic produce to fulfil the increasing demand for
organic foods. Denmark has an increasing import of organic foods to
meet the demand from the consumers.
See figures
showing the size of Danish organic agriculture. Read introduction to
the Danish organic market
October 2007 |
visited organic farms in September
Every year Danish
organic farms open their doors for the public in the first weekend of
September. This year 120 organic farmers invited consumers to the so
called Harvest Markets (Høstmarkeder). The weather was good this year
and 78.000 people visited the farms this year. It's a new record. Last
record was set in 2005 with 65.000 visitors.
September 2007 |
from Biofach
Biofach is the
biggest organic show in the World and in 2007 it has grown even
bigger. Also the Danish stand was bigger and more Danes visisted
Biofach than ever before
report from this years Biofach and see the pictures 21.
February 2007 |

Minister for food Hans Chr. Schmidt discussing vegetables for the catering sector with
Christian H. Hansen at the stand of Agrova |
for food opens the
Danish stand on Biofach
Never before has so
many Danes been on the organic fair Biofach in Nürnberg. More Danish companies had a stand at the fair and many new companies visited
On the top of this, The National Organic Association, arranged that
many organic interested people were brought by bus to Biofach for free to
make more people get a feeling about the organic market in the World.
The Danish stand was opened by the Danish minister for food Hans Chr.
Schmidt. The minister was at Biofach for the first time and was obviously
surprised of the size and the amounts of products in the organic
sector. See other pictures from Biofach
2007. 18.
February 2007 |
18 Danish
companies at Biofach fair
More Danish
companies participate in this years Biofach than ever before. 18
companies have stand the organic fair in Nürnberg next week. Most of
them are in a common Danish area in the food sector.
The Danish organic
companies participating are: Agrova Food (vegetables), Arla
Foods (dairy products), Aurion (dry goods), Berrifine (processed
fruit and berries), CB Powerfoods (dry goods), Crisby Food
International (dry goods), Farre (meat products),
Friland (meat products), Hanegal (meat products), Coesam
Scandinavia (dry goods), Naturmælk (dairy products), Økoladen
(chocolate), Organic Denmark (organization), Skee Is (ice-cream),
Sunprojuice (processed fruit and berries), Thise Mejeri (dairy
products), Urtekram (dry goods and cosmetics), Vision Food (fast-food),
Woodshade Organics (chocolate).
See pictures from
former organic Biofach fair in year 2000
and 2001
February 2007 |
withdraws Biofach application
For a period the
Danish organic association Økologisk
Landsforening has been working on making Denmark "Country of the
year" at Biofach 2008. But just before this years organic fair in
Nürnberg the organization announced that the application has been
withdrawn. The reason is simple: The sales on organic food in Denmark
grows so fast, that there are hardly products to export. Especially in
the meat sector there is a lack of raw materials and the companies use
more effort in getting meat than they do in selling it. The
goal for the organic sector in Denmark is now to increase the organic
production hoping that it in a few years will be possible to promote
for export again. 7.
February 2007 |
support to organic export
The Danish Ministry
for Food has decided to support the organic farmers association Økologisk
Landsforening and a number of Danish organic food companies with 4,4
million kroner (600.000 Euro) in their work to increase the export of
organic food and agricultural products.
A result of this
support will be a large exposure of Danish organic food at the Biofach
fair in Nürnberg in February 2007 and 2008. Around 20 organic food companies
are expected to participate on a common stand at the coming Biofach. 7.
December 2006 |
people from the whole World goes to Odense
Organic Congress in Odense next month seems to become the biggest
organic event in Denmark since the IFOAM
Scientific conference ten years ago. Already more than 700 hundred
organic researchers and others have registered, and the registration
office now expects close to 1200 participants to the conference. Although
northern Europeans will be in majority, the conference has attracted
people from all over the World. More than 45 countries already are
represented at the list
of participants. No less than 16 EU research projects will be
presented at the conference. Connected to the conference there will be
an organic exhibition open to the public. 18.
April 2006 |
is still unpopular at the Danish organic market
The Danish organic
sector is unsatisfied after the EU decision last week to allow the
use of nitrite in organic meat products. Only Belgium agreed with
Denmark to forbid the use of nitrite in organic meat. Many
Danish consumers are negative to nitrite (E250) in food because of its
carcinogenic effect. The Danish government has intensively tried to
prevent that nitrite was allowed - but without success. All Danish
organic meat companies produce sausages without the use of nitrite. But the
Danish companies fear a future with more imported
meat products with the more attractive red colour that nitrite can
offer. 31.
march 2006 |
percent organic sales in supermarket chain
The Copenhagen based
supermarket chain Irma
claims to have set a new World Record in organic sales. Last week Irma
held an organic campaign to increase the organic sales from an already
high level. Before the campaign Irma had the goal to increase its
sales from 13,5 to 20 percent
organic sales, but the chain was actually able to reach 30,2 organic share of
total sales in the 70 shops. The best selling Irma shop sold 40,6 percent
organic products in that week. Several organic companies introduced new organic
products for the campaign, among them the meat company Friland,
who introduced a series of high quality packed meat from young cattle. Irma
is part of the Scandinavian COOP
cooperation. In general the organic share of Danish food sales is
about 3,5 percent. 23.
march 2006 |
congress in Odense
Every second year the
Danish organic organizations arrange an organic congress in Denmark.
Next time is in the end of May and will take place in Odense.
organizers invites scientists and others to present papers and
participate in the event. The deadline for papers is February 15th
2006. In
connection to the congress an organic exhibition will take place. Last
organic congress in the year of 2002 had 630 participants and 55 exhibiters.
more about the conference 18.
January 2006 |
New leader
The international organic association IFOAM has announced the appointment of the 36 year old Angela B. Caudle to be
new Executive Director of the world organization. She will be the first female leader of
the IFOAM. Already in September organic people from all over the world will be able to
congratulate her at the general assembly and 15th international conference in Australia.
See the calendar for further details and links.
august 2005 |
dairy company expects 50 percent growth
The second largest producer of Danish
organic milk - Thise Dairy - expects to
invest 50 million kroner (aprox. 6,7 mill. euros) in the next two years. Thise has had
great success introducing low fat milk and milk from jersey cows especially in the
supermarket chain Irma
in the Copenhagen area (Irma is part of COOP).
Lately Thise has introduced its milk in several other supermarkets with success. Thise has
a strong brand on the Danish market with a reputation of extra high quality fresh milk.
Whereas other dairies compete on low price, Thise has been able to convince many consumers
that their milk is worth a higher price. From October 1st more farmers will start
delivering milk to Thise with the result of a 50 percent increase in production for the
next year. Most of the new farmers are leaving the much bigger dairy company Arla Foods to join Thise instead.
Until now Thise has had the goal to
export about 25 percent of the production, but the success on the Danish market has made
it difficult to keep this share. At present Thise exports only about 10 percent, but
sales manager Mogens Poulsen from Thise says the dairy still has the intention of reaching
the former goal in the future. 18.
august 2005 |
The owner of Urtekram buys Nutana
The Canadian-Danish investor Ross Jackson has bought
the food company Nutana. In more than a
hundred years Nutana has specialized in vegetarian food but in the last 20 years
experienced an increasing competition from the organic sector - especially from Urtekram, in which Ross Jackson is the
main shareholder.Jackson has
earned his fortune through international currency investments and through his Gaia companies used the money to support
and invest in organic companies and other environmental activities. According to himself
he lost at least 10 million US$ in these activities and a few years ago he announced to
leave investing in organic industry. Anyhow he also announced to keep Urtekram until it
was economically ready for sale. In this process he fired the founder and general manager
of the company, Lisbeth
Damsgaard, with whom he still fights in court about the control of the company. It
seems to be an interesting development in this process that Jackson now has bought one of
Urtekram's most important competitors. 10.
august 2005 |

Organic milk is still a great
success among Danish consumers.
26 percent of all fresh milk
sold in Danish
supermarkets is organic.
decrease in organic milk production
The Danish Dairy Board announces that the Danish production of organic
milk in 2005 has decreased by 2 percent compared with last year. The yearly production is
now 390.000 kg. But the fall is smaller than last year, having a decrease of 9 percent.
Anyhow Denmark is still the largest producer of organic milk in Europe, but now only
slightly larger than number two - Germany - having a yearly production of 370.000 kg.
Taking notice that the population of Germany is 16 times larger, Denmark is still far the
leading producer per capita.
For further information see data on
organic milk producers and delivery and organic dairy production given by Danish Dairy Board. 10.
august 2005 |
First conference on wild life production
The organic organization, IFOAM, is now inviting for the first
international conference on Organic Wild Life production. The conference will be in may
2006 and will be held in Bosnia and Herzegovina. For more details see the homepage for the conference. 5.
august 2005 |