Facts on organic farming in Denmark  organic.dk

Development in area and number of organic farms in Denmark
The official registrations on organic farms began in 1988 after the first law on organic farming was decided and the convernmental control established. Before that time private organizations for biodynamic and organic agriculture took care of control and inspection. But there no common statistics were available.

  1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Number - 219 401 523 672 675 640 677 1.050 1.166 1.617 2.228 3.099 3.466 3.525 3.714 3.510 3.166 3.036
2.330 5.565 7.973 10.477 10.446 16.759 16.387 17.032 20.193 37.033 44.102 60.232 93.354 131.986 148.301 149.157 149.401 139.352 133.046
Total area 5.881 9.554 11.581 17.963 18.653 20.093 21.145 40.884 46.171 64.329 99.163 146.685 165.258 173.497 178.359 168.022 160.209 150.815 144.303
Average -   22,1 26,7 27,6 31,4 31,2 38,9 39,6 39,8 44,5 47,3 47,7 48,9 48,0 47,9 52,8


The figures show 1) Total number of organic holdings, 2) Converted organic farming area, 3) Total area of the organic holdings and 4) Average area of the organic farms. Areas are given in hektars. The figures are based on entries made by the Plant Directorate. They also include farms under conversion.

Actionplan II - Developments in Organic Farming.

In 1999 the Danish minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries asked the Organic Food Council to produce a plan for promoting and developing organic farming and food production in Denmark and evaluate the results of the earlier Actionplan 1. A summary of Actionplan II was translated into English and is available for free download.