December 3rd 1999 |

Paul Holmbeck
New leader of The Organic House
The Organic House has chosen Paul Holmbeck as its new
managing director. For the last five years Paul Holmbeck has been political analyst in the
house which is hosting The Danish Association of
Organic Agriculture and The Organic Service Center.
Paul Holmbeck is 38 years old and an American citizen, but he has been living in Denmark
for the last eight years. He is member of The Organic Food Council which is advising the Minister of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries. |
November 18th 1999 |
Danish regulation translated into
English - and German
The Danish order no 757
from The Plantdirectorate is now translated into
English and German. They can be downloaded from the "facts"
page. The order 757 is regulating the farm production. As mentioned two weeks earlier the
order 263 from The
Danish Veterinary and Food Administration is already translated, but only into
English. |
November 15th 1999 |

Karsten Deibjerg
organic and conventional
meat director
Organic director goes to
Europe's biggest slaugtherhouse company
Karsten Deibjerg
Kristensen, managing director of Friland Food, the
biggest organic meat company in Denmark, has got a new job on top of his old one. From the
beginning of the new year, he will be sales director for Danish Crown. In his new job, he will be responsible
for the domestic market of fresh meat. Danish Crown is the biggest slaugtherhouse company
in Europe. It has a yearly production of 16 million pigs (which is quite a lot in a
country of 5 million people!). The organic meat production is increasing, but last year it
only reached around 23.000 slaugtherings. Since last summer, Danish Crown has owned a big
share of the stocks in Friland Food.
Karsten Deibjerg does not leave his old
position, which means that now he will have a leading role in both the conventional and
the organic meat sector. He started in the organic meat company nine years ago and has
been responsible for building up Friland Food. Today Karsten Deibjerg is 33 years old. |
November 4th 1999 |
Only one organic brewery left
There is now only one
brewery in Denmark, producing organic beer. A few years ago there was an increasing
interest in organic beer, and in a short period there were six different trademarks of
organic beer in Denmark from four different breweries, including the leading Danish
brewery Carlsberg. But the consumers did not
buy it, and one by one they left the market. Latest the supermarket chain FDB has decided to stop their private label organic beer,
Pokal. Today only one small brewery, Thisted
Bryghus, still produces organic beer. On the other hand this brewery has a constant
increase in the sales of organic beer, and continues to introduce new kinds of organic
beers. During the last year the brewery has introduced three new beers, including special
organic brews for Christmas and Easter. |
November 2nd 1999 |
The organic orders are now translated
into English
The Danish regulations on
organic production are now being translated into English. It is already now possible to
download a PDF-version of the English version of Order 263, which regulates
processing, trade and import, given out by The Danish Veterinary and
Food Administration. It is expected that also The
Plantdirectorate will soon release an updated English version of the order regulating
the farm production. The principles of the Danish organic regulations are based on the EU
regulations, but the two orders regulate how the Danish authorities are to administrate
the EU regulation in Denmark.The
discussion paper on IFOAM accreditation - mentioned below - is now also available
for download. It is in word-format,
but is still in Danish only. |
October 29th 1999 |
The government considers IOAS
The Danish Veterinary and
Food Administration has released a paper discussing the problems and possibilities of
letting the Danish governmental certification bodies be accredited by IOAS (IFOAM). Among several other themes the paper points out
that a difficult problem is related to the fact, that the govermental institutions are
bound to use the standards of the EU regulations. Another problem mentioned is, that the
IOAS is not recognized by the EU, and it could weaken the Danish position in the
community, if governmental institutions were closely connected to private organizations,
which were not recognized by the EU. The paper mentions the alternative, that private
bodies could be accredited by IOAS and at the same time have a close cooperation with the
governmental institutions. The paper also points out, that there is still no
documentation, that it would be an improvement for the Danish export, if Denmark had an IFOAM accredited certification body.The released discussion-paper is written in
Danish only. |
October 28th 1999 |

Gustav Wied speaks
at the IFOAM Conference
Wrong announcement
about IFOAM-speaker
As mentioned below,
Flemming Duus Mathiesen was registred as speaker at last week's IFOAM Trade Conference in Florence,
Italy. Unfortunately he had to cancel his participation. Instead Gustav Wied represented The Directorate for Development of
the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries. Gustav Wied made a speak on
"Communicating organic Agriculture leading to succes on national level", among
other subjects he pointed out the importance of the strategy of the Actionsplans. |
October 17th 1999 |
Many Danes go to the IFOAM conference
About 35 Danes are
expected to participate in next week's IFOAM Trade Conference in Florence,
Italy. Among the Danish speakers in sessions and workshops are Flemming Duus Mathiesen, Directorate for Development of the
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries (Thursday 9.00), Rudy Kortbech-Olesen, ITC (Monday 15.20), Lene Raunkjær, Organic Development (Thursday, 11.00, 3.
roundtable), Peder Venge, Ecotrain Europe
(Thursday 11.00, 1. workshop) and Jens Wang Jensen, FDB
(Thursday 11.00, 2. symposium). |
News via e-mail
Do you want e-mail-news about the Danish organic sector in the future? Please send your
name, company and adress to This
service is not yet established. But if you join now, you will automatically be on the
list, when it starts. |
October 16th 1999 |
Danish organic companies plan to have
common stand at Natural Products
A dozen Danish organic
companies expect to present themselves in a joint stand at the Natural Products fair in London next year. If
they succeed, this will be the greatest common participation of Danish organic companies
on a fair until now. Later - when the plans have been confirmed - this website will bring
a list of the companies participating. |
October 15th 1999 |
MD Foods presented organic cheese at
At the big ANUGA fair in
Köln this week MD
Foods presented its organic products in the Harmonie-series.
Only very few other Danish organic companies were presenting products at the fair.
Although many went there as visitors. One of the visitors was the President of The Agricultural Council of Denmark, Peter Gæmelke,
who - according to the press
release of MD Foods - showed special interest in the organic products.MD Foods is the worlds largest producer of
organic milk products. Since summer 1999 the company has had a surplus of organic milk,
which is now heavily used for conventionel products. MD Foods is now working for an
increase in the export of organic milk products, especially at the British and the German
market. On October 5th the company announced,
that they will form a new company with the Swedish Arla,
which has also shown great interest in organic milk production. |
October 14th 1999 |
Analysis of a total changeover of Danish agriculture to organic
Earlier this year Ministry of Environment and Energy presented the
final results from the Bichel Committee.
It gives a full scale analysis of the implications of reducing or phasing out the use of
pesticides in the country. The report is available only in Danish. But the ministry has
published a summary in English.The Danish version of the work of the Bichel
Committee is published - as PDF-files - in a main report and
reports from the sub-committees of 1) agricultural
production, 2) production,
economy and employment, 3) environment and health,
4) legislation
and the
interdisciplinary group of organic farming. A special supplementary report covers Legal questions
regarding total changeover of Danish agriculture to organic farming production.
Including all sub-reports the work of
the Bichel Committee covers around one thousand pages. |
October 5th 1999 |

The minister
opens the Organic House |
Kl. 10.50:
Minister of food opened the
Organic House
At October 4th the Danish Minister of
Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Henrik Dam
Kristensen, opened the so called Organic House,
which is common office for some main organic NGO's: The
Organic Service Center and The Danish Association
of Organic Agriculture and several other organic organizations.
At the opening ceremony the minister
said, that he wanted to encourage the food industry to develop more organic products both
for export and for the domestic market. He stressed that higher processing of the food and
introduction of fastfood is important.
- It is a big challenge to satisfy the
demands of the busy families, he said. |
July 30th 1999 |
Organic organizations have moved
The Organic Service Center and The Danish Association of Organic Agriculture have
this summer moved their offices to a new house in Århus. You can find their new adress at
the menu: Who and Where. |
April 1999 |
Actionplan II
Read the english summary of Actionplan
II - Developments in Organic Farming (or download in PDF-format, 232 KB)
(Published by the Danish Directorate for Development
(Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries), jan. 1999)You can also download the full Danish version in
PDF-format (1.5 MB) |