ifoam'96 Book of Abstracts 11th IFOAM Scientific Conference 11-15 August 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark |
National Agricultural Research Foundation, Plant Protection Institute of Volos, 380 01 Volos, Greece
During the period 1993-1995 and in the frame of the European Union project ETIC-Vine (Coordinator ACTA,France), we started to study the possibilities of applying the integrated control methods for the controlof grapevine pests and diseases in Greece, hopping that at least in some grapevine growing regions of our countrywe will be able in the near future to proceed in thebiological pest management. In three different geographical areas of Greece we applied for 3 consecutive years the following methods:
1) For the control of the grape moth (Polychrosisbotrana) we used biological products based on Bacillusthuringiensis, as well as the sexual confusion method.
b) To reduce the number of treatments for the control of the main grapevine diseases (Plasmoparaviticola, Oidium tuckeri and Botrytis cinerea) and to avoid problems of resistance and residues on the grapes or in the wine we studied the use of predictions models.
In addition, in order to select those phytosanitay chemicals which take the beneficial organisms into account we started to study the secondary action of these products on the beneficial organisms (Typhlodromus ect.).
During these experiments, the application of the integrated control resulted in saving up to 29% of the phytosanitary budget and allowed to cut down up to 39% the number of treatments target against the diseases and pests of grapevine. Simultaneously, a significant increase of the population of the beneficial organisms was recorded on the phyllosphere of the vines.
El Titi, A., Boller, E.F. & Dendrier, I. P. (1993): Integrated Production. Bull. OILB/SROP, Vol. 16 (1), 96 pp.
Maurin, G. & Fricot L. (1991): Application du systemeMETEOPRO dĘ aide a la dicision pour le raisonnent de la protection phytosanitaire de la vigne. ANPP - Journeessur les bases de donnees Europeennes en protection desplantes, Strasbourg, 14 et 15 Oct. 1991, p. 137-142.