Book of Abstracts 11th IFOAM Scientific Conference 11-15 August 1996 Copenhagen, Denmark Abstract front page Athor index
Index of Subjects
See also: News from:
Development of Research in Organic Farming F1
Product and environment: quality and public health F7
Practicing that which is Preached F13
Soils: Sustainable management of the agricultural resourcebase F16
Nutrient Balances in Organic Dairy Farms S1
Risks of transgenic crops and biocontrol organisms S10
DOC-Trial: Comparing Farming Systems S19
Biodynamic Preparations on Grasslands: Grass Response S29
The False Organic Farmers E1
Regulations of Veterinary Drugs E7
Organic Manures for Maintaining Soil Productivity E13
The Cereal Leaf Beetle and its Regulation E19
Australia O1
Greece: Projects and Policies O7
The Netherlands:Organic Agriculture Past And Future O13
USA: Sustainability: Field, Farm, Community O20
Danish political scene for organic agriculture. W1
Development of organic farming in different countries.W6
Hens: Optimizing an Outside-Run for Layers W20
Production and Marketing of Organic Ornamental Plants. P1; 1
Experimental Design for Evaluating Nutrient Flows. P2; 2
Mechanical Development of Brush Hoes. P3; 3