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Book of Abstracts

11th IFOAM
Scientific Conference
11-15 August 1996
Copenhagen, Denmark

Abstract front page

Athor index

Index of Subjects

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Index of Subjects

Special Presentations

Special Presentations, Monday (F1 - F6)

Development of Research in Organic Farming F1
Plant health: Francis Chaboussou's Research F2
Healthy Soil - Healthy Plants? F2
Soil ecology - The impact of organic and conventional agriculture on soil biota and its significance for soil fertility F3
Soil fertility and soil examination F4
Soil examination in the field by spade diagnosis F4
Nutrient management in organic crop husbandry F5
Biodiversity: a central concept in organic agriculture F6

Special Presentations, Tuesday (F7 - F12)

Product and environment: quality and public health F7
Trees : key principles in ecological land use F8
Forests in ecological development F8
Organic Agriculture in a Market Economy F9
Social Imperatives in Organic Agriculture F10
Consumers view of organic agriculture F10
Animal Health F11
Ethology: Importance in ecological agriculture F12
The importance of Ethology F12

Special Presentations, Wednesday (F13 - F15)

Practicing that which is Preached F13
The challenge to be an advisor and lecturer F13
Policies for further development of organic farming F14
Agricultural policy and organic farming in Europe F14
Reflections on the past, outlook for the future. F15

Special Presentations, Thursday (F16)

Soils: Sustainable management of the agricultural resourcebase F16


Symposia, Monday (S1 - S9)

Nutrient Balances in Organic Dairy Farms S1
Farming strategies and nutrient balances in organic farming systems in Denmark
Reduction of Nitrate Content in Subsoil Lucerne Fields S1
Nitrate and Overuse of Organic Fertilizer S1
Total Nutrient Fluxes in Organically Managed Farms S1
Hemp for Fibres in Austria S2
Organic Cotton in Greece and Egypt S2
Production of Organic Fibre Crops in Russia S2
Cotton, Naturally Colored S2
Organic and Naturally Coloured Cotton from Peru S2
Utilization of Leucaena in Sierra Leone S3
Indigenous Knowledge and Research S3
Life cycle assessment for agriculture and food production S4
Environmental management S4
Nutrition and climate S4
Agriculture and climate S4
Environmental support to agricultural production processes S4
Market Certified-fair trade products development in Brazil S5
Ways of increasing organic farming in 3rd world countries through acess to credit S5
Change of feeding during conversion: Implications for animal health S6
Health status of dairy cows on organic farms, with emphasis on ketosis S6
Management routines in Danish organic dairy herds S6
Tick (Boophilus microplus) Control with Effective Microorganisms in Cattle S6
Socio-cultural sustainability in traditional agriculture of Bolivia S7
Indigenous Knowledge in Agriculture in Nepal S7
The Ecological Agriculture College in Denmark
Extention work for organic farmers S8
On farm participatory learning and the knowledge system S8
Future Tasks of Extension Services of Organic Organisations S8
Teaching organic horticulture - The Echinacea case study S9
Organic Agriculture: Only Another Discipline in Higher Agricultural Education? S9
Higher Education in Ecological Agriculture and New Teaching S9

Symposia, Tuesday (S10 - S18)

Risks of transgenic crops and biocontrol organisms S10
Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Pastures S11
Indigenous Rhizobium Population in Soil S11
Nitrogen fixation and the role of allelopathic factor
Nitrogen Fixation: Meeting Crop Needs
Effective Microorganisms in Vegetable Production S12
Systems with and without Effective Microorganisms S12
EM, Soil Structure and Plant Diseases S12
Effective microorganisms technology Bali Island S12
Effective Microorganisms and Ecological Agriculture S12
On-farm Research in Organic Farming S13
Stockless farming in Northern Germany S13
N-balances in an Organic, Stockless Crop Rotation S13
Stockless Organic Farming in the UK S13
Organic beef production S14
Organic Pig Production in Denmark S14
Pigs on grassland supporting the crop production system S14
Animal production in organic farming in france S14
Landscape development - a task for organic agriculture in the future? S15
Hedgerow management and birds on organic farms S15
Agrolandscapes of Pinar del Rio Municipality, Cuba S15
Sustained land use in biosphere reserves S15
Humane Sustainable Organic Agriculture S16
Implications of A Paradigm Shift in Agriculture S16
Intergration of organic agriculture in school syllabus S17
Agricultural Skill Training for the Development of Self-Reliance among Orphaned Youths S17
Childhood education and lasting development S17
The preservation of traditional agro-systems as a way to sustainability S18
Ancient Hawaii: A Model of Sustainable Agriculture S18
Qanat, a Sustainable Ancient System for Exploitation of Underground Water in Iran S18
Ecolocical Practices of Agriculture of The Island of Chiloe S18
Indegenous Farming in Uganda S18

Symposia, Wednesday (S19 - S28)

DOC-Trial: Comparing Farming Systems S19
Rodale's Farming System Trial: First 15 Years S19
Long Term Field Experiments in Sweden S19
Yield Patterns after Organic or Mineral Fertilization S19
N in Crop and Crop Residues of Clover/Grass S20
Nitrate Dynamics in Soils after Potatoes S20
N Effects of Green Manures for Vegetables S20
Soil Tillage Systems in Eco-Farming S21
Soil Structure and Utilization of Plant Nutrients S21
Humus and N Household in Organic Farming S21
Humus and Amino Acid Contents in Top Soil S21
Conversion in Britany S22
Change Towards Organic Broadacre Agriculture S22
Sustainability - The Role of Organic Agriculture W24
Teikei and trends toward a standard-certification system S22
CuCl2 crystallization - A picto-morphological approach to quality S23
Carrot quality: The effect of organic and conventional farming S23
Yield, quality and post-harvesting conservation of carrots S23
The P-value as a holistic quality-parameter for food experiments S23
Product Quality and Interdisciplinary Research S23
Marketing Systems role for sustainability of Ag. Systems S24
Vegetable Box System: Direct Marketing with Community Links S24
Shoptest for organic grown vegetables in Germany S24
Viable Organic Arable Farming Systems S25
Economics of Organic Milk Production in Germany S25
Economics outlines of Brasilian organic coffee S25
Financial implications of conversion to organic dairy S25
Economic aspects of conversion of organic livestock farms S25
The Economics of Dairy Farming in Germany S25
Rural development, sustainablel agriculture: myth or reality? S26
Low-input and low-cost technologies used by resource-poor farmers S26
Socio-Environmental Impacts Assessment and Family-Farming S26
The Formation of an Organic Produce Co-operative of Small Farmers
Relations between view of nature and practices S27
Long term case studies and survey on Norwegian eco-farms S27
Strategies for establishing sustainable agriculture in Westfalia, Germany S27
Heterogeneity, challenges and potentials of organic farming S27
Ethical account to stimulate value reflections on livestock farms S27
Alternative research: A challenge to the academia in a powerty stricken country S28
Organic Farming: Implications for Rural Extension Services S28
Dissemination of Agro-Ecological Techniques in Sahelian Rural Areas S28
Education: a key issue in sustainable development S28

Symposia Thursday (S29 - S31)

Biodynamic Preparations on Grasslands: Grass Response S29
Biodynamic field preparations as a biosystem regulator S29
Allelopathic effects of bio-dynamic and organic treatments on wheat and potatoes S29
Plant energy field related to health and EM treatment S28
Biointensive Mini-Farming in Patagonia S30
The Ethiopian small-scale farmer S30
Organic agriculture for Bangladesh S30
Meeting food needs for highland communities in Kenya S30
Swiss Agricultural Policy and its Implications for Organic Farming S31
Do cost-reducing policies help or hurt organic systems? S31
Nitrate Directive: Action plans & organic farming S31
The policy for organic farming in Italy S31
Law and Policy: Their Role in Creating the New Agriculture S31

Extra Papers

Extra Papers, Monday (E1 - E6)

The False Organic Farmers E1
International and National Regulations and Standards E1
Third Country Access to EU Organic Market E1
Unburnt Sugarcane Harvesting: E2
Soil Organic and Fertility Management and Dissemination E2
Bio Waste Compost: Risk or Benefit? E3
Economics of Organic Farming and Use of Biodegradable Refuse E3
Bio Waste Compost and Soil Microbiology E3
Organic Production of Seed Potatoes E4
Improved Medium for Organic Transplants E4
Fish Farming and its Ecological Background E5
Integrated farming system on community gardens in Cuba E5
Nitrogen Dynamics in Winter Wheat E6
Wheat Production: Economics and energy flow E6
Naked Oats Quality in Ecological Agriculture E6

Extra Papers, Tuesday (E7 - E12)

Regulations of Veterinary Drugs E7
Mycorrhiza in Organic Farming E8
Biological Processes and Phosphate E8
Plant Communities as Refuges of Eulophids E9
Beneficial anthropods in the canopy E9
Beneficial Insects Allured from Natural Populations E9
Beneficial Arthropods in Organic Vineyards E9
Biological Apple Production E10
Biocontrol of apple aphids apple orchards E10
Apple Production: Manure and »Green Food« E10
Modified System of Irrigation Involving Sustainable Methods E10
Legal Barriers to the Use of Organic Farm Inputs E11
Certification in Farm and Forest: A Comparison of OrganicStandards and Timber Certification E11
Traffic Effect on an Clover-Grass Sward E12
Technique of Green Mulch Spreading E12

Extra Papers, Wednesday (E13 - E18)

Organic Manures for Maintaining Soil Productivity E13
Mushroom Compost used in the Tropics
Kraal Manure in Sustainable Agriculture E13
Loose housing systems with straw in Germany E15
Animal welfare in a sustainable agriculture E15
Assessing animal welfare on organic farms E15
Mechanical and Biological Weed Control E16
Weed vegetation on vegetable allotments E16
Non-chemical Control of Purple Nutsedge E16
Preceding Crop Effect of Ley E17
A weather Based Model for Forage Production E17
Seed rate companion on establishment of herbs E17
Organic sugar beets E17

Extra Papers, Thursday (E19 - E20)

The Cereal Leaf Beetle and its Regulation E19
Diversity plantation pattern for insect control E19
Relay intercropping of tomato with cabbage E19
Ecological Pest Management, EPM E20
Organic Structural Pest Management E20
Pests and Diseases in Ecological Farming E20

Organic World

Organic World, Monday (O1 - O6)

Australia O1
Baltic States, Belorussia and the Russian Federation O1
Bangladesh O2
China: Practice, Problems and Outlook O2
Croatian Liburnia: Ecotourism and Organic Agriculture O3
Dominican Republic the ADAO's experience O3
Egypt O4
Finland O5
Germany, - Facts and Figures O6
East Germany/Brandenburg O6

Organic World, Tuesday (O7 - O12)

Greece: Projects and Policies O7
Iceland O7
India O8
Iran: Trend in Research O8
Ireland: The Organic Centre in Leitrim O9
Lithuania O10
Malawi; the experience at Lipangwe Organic Farm O11
Malaysia O11
Mali O12
Nepal O12

Organic World, Wednedsay (O13 - O18)

The Netherlands:Organic Agriculture Past And Future O13
New Zealand: Recent Developments O13
Philippines: People's Agricultural Plan - 21st Century (PAP 21) O15
Spain O17
Suriname: Developing the green industry O17
Sweden O18
Tanzania: Small scale organic farming O18

Organic World, Thuesday (O20)

USA: Sustainability: Field, Farm, Community O20


Workshops, Monday (W1 - W4)

Danish political scene for organic agriculture. W1
Organic Agriculture and the Climate Change.W2/P3
Sea pollution in the Baltic region.W2/P3
Livestock: A methodology to assess the impactW2/P3
Organic Agriculture and Genetic Diversity W3
Implications of Spreading Org. Farming in North Germany.W3/P2
Biodiversity of annual legumes in the Syrian steppe.W3
Building a certification body from start to finish.W4/P2
Organic Inspection: Training for Consistency and Quality.W4/P2
The problems of certification of organic food in Lithuania W4

Workshops, Tuesday (W6 - W19)

Development of organic farming in different countries.W6
Options for Small Farm Households in Rained Areas in South India
Silvo-pastoral systems in the Sudan savanna region of Nigeria W8
Farm-based Agro-forestry - Lessons from Ghana Rural Reconst. Mov.W8
Canopy farming: a challenge for organic silviculture W9/P2
Financing organic agriculture in Europe and the 3rd world.W10
Common bunt (Tilletia tritici): Regulation of in organic farming W11
Common bunt in Austria
Chemical analysis in the certification of org. production and products. W12
Allelopathy for ecological control of cultivated plants diseases.W13/P3
Biodynamic Preparations on Grasslands: Soil Response.W13/P3
Economic performances (1992-94) of organic and conventional farms in Umbria, Italy. W14
Women and Organic Farming W15
Women's Participation in Traditional Agriculture in Iran W15
Regional development and ecological agriculture W16
Regional parks: Organic agriculture and agroecology W16
Organic Matter for Soil Conservation and Crop Production on Sloping lands.W17/P2
Complex of soil microorganisms and agroecosystems state.W17/P2
Tested Organic Food for Silesia Program. W18/P2

Workshops, Wednesday (W20 - W31)

Hens: Optimizing an Outside-Run for Layers W20
Nestpreference in Hens in an Aviary
Chickens: Activity and Social Relationships
Hens: Free-choice feeding of layers
Field Trials on the Performance of Bokashi Organic Fertilizer with EM.W21
Organic Citrus Production by Using EM Technologies in Brazil.W21
Rice Farming To Sustain Rice Production in Malaysia.W21
Substitution of Chemical Fertilizers with EM-Technology.W21
Control of Antracnose in Pepper with EM.W21
Education: Introductory presentationW22/P2
Development of Dutch policy on organic agriculture.W23
Residents' Participation for OA development.W23
Organic farming in an intensive agriculture area W23
State intervention in agricultural capital markets W24
Constraints on organic agriculture in Australia W24
The ECO Pampa Project. W26/P3
Enlarging the market for organic products.W26/P3
Quality of Products from Different Farming Systems (DOC-Trial).W27/P3
Metabolic diversity of microbes in biological and conventional soils.W27/P3
Evaluation of weather effects in field experiments.W27/P3
Residents participation in community W29
Eco-villages- Sustainable Habitats for the 21 century in the North W31
Challenges of Organic Agriculture for Sustainable development in the South. W31


Posters presented Monday (P1)

Production and Marketing of Organic Ornamental Plants. P1; 1
Sustainable use of Subtropical Hill Land. P1; 4
Information Centres in Central and Eastern Europe. P1; 7
Suppressive Effects of Composts against Pathogens. P1; 10
Organic Family Farms in Croatia. P1; 13
Effects of Inputs Used by Organic Farmers. P1; 16
Humic Acids and Three Bio-Dynamic Preparations. P1; 19
Response of Vegetable Varieties. P1; 22
Manure and Uptake of Nutrients for Spring Wheat. P1; 25
Effect of Alley Cropping Maize with Trees on Maize Yield. P1; 28
Advisory Service Organic Viticulture. P1; 31
Standards and Regulations for Textile Production. P1; 34
Quinoa to Dry Lands of Spain. P1; 37
Potato Fertilization with Biowaste and Manure. P1; 40
Competition for Inorganic N in Clover-Grass. P1; 43
Symbioses in Science Education. P1; 46
Integrated System of Kyusei Nature Farming in Brazil. P1; 49
Cultivars and Genotypes of Vegetables. P1; 52
Organic Tea Production. P1; 55
Common European Degree Courses. P1; 58
China Green Food: Development and Impact. P1; 61
Trial and Error Adoption of Peanut Production. P1; 64
Research Notes on Ecological Agriculture. P1; 67
Ecological Cropping Systems in Semi-Arid Areas. P1; 70
Organic Production of Vegetables in Norway. P1; 73
Soil Biotic Activity in Response to Compost. P1; 76
Organic Cotton in Greece and Egypt. P1; 79
The Zai System in Yatenga, Burkina Faso. P1; 82
The Role of Social Forestry Education and Training. P1; 85
Participatory Research of Organic Vegetable Farms. P1; 88
Secondary Schools and Farming. P1; 91
Community Support for Local Organic Farming. P1; 94
Potato Protein Concentrate for Rainbow Trout. P1; 97
Case Study on Organic Manure in China. P1; 100
Demonstration Centres for Sustainable Agriculture. P1; 103
Indigenous Agroforestry systems in Uganda. P1; 106
PRO-BIO and Six Years of Czech Organic Agriculture. P1; 109
Rapid and Participatory Environmental Appraisal. P1; 112
Comparison of Organic and Conventional Dairy Farms. P1; 115
Prevention of Fungal Diseases. P1; 118

Posters presented Tuesday (P2)

Experimental Design for Evaluating Nutrient Flows. P2; 2
The Tree of Life. A Philosophy of Ecology and Nature. P2;5
De-Contaminating Urban Food Security. P2; 8
World Revolution in Organic Agriculture. P2; 11
The ADAS Terrington Arable Organic Project. P2; 14
Nutrient Balances at Field Level in Dairy Farming. P2; 17
Nutrient Balances in Organic Pig Production. P2; 17
The Benefits of Humus (Humates) in Agriculture. P2; 20
Italian Interprofessional Organization. P2; 23
Asia Pacific Natural Agricultural Network (APNAN). P2; 26
Balance-Pooling for Sustainable Raw Materials. P2; 29
The First Organic Crop Rotation at Öjebyn. P2; 32
Effects of dung and urine on N2 fixation in pasture. P2; 35
Quantifying ecological olive production in Crete. P2; 38
Methods for Ecological Olive Production in Crete. P2; 41
Resistance Against Cypermethrin and Neem Product. P2; 44
EM in Domestic Sewage Treament systems. P2; 47
Optimizing of N-transfer after Legume-Wintercrops. P2; 50
Production and Distribution of Organic Produce, Greece. P2; 53
Change of Fertilizer Use Patterns in Iran. P2; 56
Factors Affecting the Renneting Properties of Milk. P2; 59
Forest as a Basis of Life-Forces for our Agriculture. P2; 65
Change of Feeding during Conversion: Animal Health. P2; 68
Participatory Inventory of Vegetation. P2; 71
Benefit of Mycorrhiza in Sustainable Agriculture. P2; 74
Biological Nitrogen Fixation in an Organic System. P2; 77
Veterinary Homoeopathy in Organic Farming Systems. P2; 80
Sardi View of Organic Agriculture, Kenya. P2; 83
Organic Agriculture and Peace Education. P2; 89

Posters presented Wednesday (P3)

Mechanical Development of Brush Hoes. P3; 3
Control of Carrot Flies. P3; 6
The Institute of Ecological Farming - a Company. P3; 9
Mechanical Weed Control in Organic Winter Wheat. P3; 12
The Ecological Agriculture College in Denmark. P3; 15
Farmers Innovations in Pakistan. P3; 21
Food Quality and Organic Farming in Korea. P3; 24
Product Quality and Interdisciplinary Research. P3; 33
Pilot Project for Prototyping Olive Production. P3; 27
Tested Organic Food for Silesia Program. P3; 30
Product Quality and Interdisciplinary Research. P3; 33
Organic Agriculture Program, Ukraine. P3; 36
Development of Ecological Agriculture in Lithuania. P3; 39
Small Scale Weed Control Technology. P3; 42
Measuring the Biological Efficiency of Mixed Farms. P3; 45
The Eco-Development of Djurdjura - the Future. P3; 48
Economic Impacts of Conversion to Organic Farming. P3; 51
Pest Control in Organically Produced Cereals. P3; 54
Redistribution of Heavy Metals in Soil-Plant-Food. P3; 57
Development of Product Quality. P3; 60
Integrated control of pests of grapevine in Greece. P3; 63
Soil Phosphatase Activity. P3; 66
Sample Taking System from a Compost Heap. P3; 69
On-farm Research and Field Demonstration. P3; 72
Chipped Wood as Organic Fertiliser. P3; 75
Farm Gate Balance as a Nutrient Balance. P3; 78
Eco-Center ICNEER for Sustainable Development. P3; 81
Control of H. armigera in a Small Farmer Intercrop. P3; 84
Straw-Based Fertilizers and their Use. P3; 87
Impact of Different Plant and Animal Products upon Aphids. P3; 90
Nutrient Management of Cattle Farms. P3; 93