ifoam'96 Book of Abstracts 11th IFOAM Scientific Conference 11-15 August 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark |
National Agricultural University, Kiev 252027 Ukraine
The problem of the toxic contamination of biocenoses in industrial countries causes a mainly worry. Heavy metals, entering in a soil with precipitation, agricultural chemical components and fertilizers, through the throphical chains penetrate to a human body. The problem of the detoxication of plants and food products requires further and intense studying. In this connection we have researched the ways of the polluting elements migration from soils to plants and to plant foodstuffs.
In a soil heavy metals contain in mobile («Intensity« factor) and no absorbed by plants («Capacity« factor) forms. In soils with a high humus contain, neutral or faintly-alkaline reaction of the soil solution, with a big quantity of the clay's and silt's compounds, much more quantity oftoxic elements consist in unexchangeable or poorly-exchangeable forms («Capacity« factor). »Intensity« factor predominance in an acid soils withthe light granule-metric composition, no enrichment by organic substance,therefore plants absorb a high quantities of the polluting elements.
The accumulation of the toxicants in plants' organisms promotes of the biomass reduction, decrease of the growing function and often can bring to a significant lowering of the yield. The most quantity of contaminated elements in located in the root system, after are stems and leafs of afirst level. In plant foodstuffs redistribution is at next: greenery vegetables cucumbers tomatoes cabbage bean carrot, beet potato cereals berries fruits.
However, it tendency takes place only in conditions of an accumulation of heavy metals from a soil. With intensive entering of toxicants from anatmosphere, it can change. In this course need to check two source of apollution. Using of the biological and chemical compounds into soil change the balance of the toxicants entering in a system soil-plant. However at the field with a very high contamination a cleaning using (protectors) was effective not enough. One of the methods of the ecological clear plant foodstaffs is technological processes. There are the separation of the cereals for an allotment of the ecological clear (core) and contaminate (bran) fractions, and also for fruits and vegetables by a preservation with using different organic acids. Also by the technological processing of plant production can change the ecological status of plant foodstuffs.