ifoam'96 Book of Abstracts 11th IFOAM Scientific Conference 11-15 August 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark |
1University of Tizi-Ouzou, Institute of Natural Sciences, DZ-15000 Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria; 2National Park of Djudjura, DZ-10000 Bouira, Algeria
According to the concept of sustainable development of rural areas in order to provide food for the fast growing population without harmful effects on nature and the environment, in Algeria, political strategies aim to improve and develop montaneous regions.
In this paper we will present analysis about social and economical datas permit ecodevelopment of montaneous regions of Djurdjura in Kabylia (North Algeria). This project is conducing by the National Park of Djurdjura in order to guarantee contribution of agricultural activities advocated at the protection of montaneous ecosystems which are threatened. The ways proposed consist or lie in revalorization of animal husbandry and natural of biological products, and the development of handicrafts; small-scale industry which use raw materials produced locally.
The aims of this project are stated to settle down populations with improvement of their conditions of life and integration of their activities in the Economic-Market.
Hopkins, N. S. (1983): Testour ou La transformation des compagnes Maghrebines »Horizon maghrebin«. In: O.P.U. (ed.) Alger, 160 p.
Boukhobza, M. (1984): Methodes d'approche du monde rural. In: O.P.U. (ed.) Alger, 303 p.
Dahmani, M. (1987): Economic et societé en Grande Kabylie. In. O.P.U. (ed.) Alger, 240 p.