ifoam'96 ifoam'96
Book of Abstracts
11th IFOAM Scientific Conference
11-15 August 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark
EcoWeb Denmark


The Institute of Ecological Farming - a Company. P3; 9

Bovin, H. & Olsson, K.

The Institute of Ecological Faming, Box 45, S-824 21 Hudiksvall, Sweden

The Institute of Ecological Farming is an independent consulting firm, established in 1985. Our work is to develop and spread knowledge about ecological farming systems, ecological building methods and ecological, sustainable systems of society. The Institute is engaged for investigations and development projects. We work in Sweden and abroad, mostly in eastern Europe.
The Institute has long experience in working with improving advice to farmers. The first computer program for calculation of plant nutrition balance was developed by the Institute in the middle of the 80`s. We have also developed a computer program for calculation of the total flow of plant nutrients on farm level. A new computer program for planning of conversion to ecological farming is presented by the Institute at this conference. By using this program, a complete conversion plan can be made at the farm visit. The program is adaptable for use in other countries.
The Institute has developed different indexes of efficiency and recirculation for judging if the farm is efficient in the use of natural resources, or if the farm uses stock resources instead of flow resources.These indexes are useful to give an indication of how the future solar powered farming system shall be constructed.
Since the end of the 1980s, the Institute has been engaged in the development of ecological agriculture in eastern Europe. The conversion of a 400 ha milk farm outside St. Petersburg, Russia was initiated 1989. We have also participated in a co-operation project with the Agricultural University in Prague, Czech Republic, where we planned a model farm for ecological agriculture. In Lithuania we are working with an extensive project for transfer of knowledge. We are planning a model farm, educating advisors, holding courses and initiating computer assisted advice, etc. Similar projects are planned in Latvia and Slovakia. The Institute is also participating in a Swedish-Norwegian project in Eritrea, where the goal is to introduce ecological agriculture, educate advisors and farmers, plan a model farm, etc.

Olsson, K., Bovin, H. (1995): Hur mäter man biologisk effektivitet? Forskningsnytt om ökologisk landbruk i Norden. 6, 10-11.

Bovin, H. (1993): Ecological Farming on the farm Pozáry. Management plan.Institute of Ecological Farming, Hudiksvall.

Bovin, H. Omläggningsplan och omläggningsstrategi, Hjälpformulär vidomläggningsplanering, Flöde och cirkulation av växtnäring på gårdsnivå,kapitel 10-12. Ekologiskt lantbruk Omläggning och växtodling. Jordbruksverket, Jönköping.