ifoam'96 ifoam'96
Book of Abstracts
11th IFOAM Scientific Conference
11-15 August 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark
EcoWeb Denmark


EM in Domestic Sewage Treament systems. P2; 47

Kinjo, S. ; Silva, A. B. da ; Silva, R. B. da & Sanches, A. B.

Mokiti Okada Foundation, Ipena, SÒo Paulo, Brazil

Several tests in Japan, Brazil and Thailand have shown the possibility of using EM in several sewage treatment systems, in order to reduce the time needed for treatment, to minimize foul smells and to reduce the large amounts of residues obtained after the process, mainly when the treatment is carried out by activated sludge process. Because of the interest of medium-sized communities in alternative sewage treatment systems, it is necessary to conduct more research about the principles that rule the use of EM. In the future, small, medium and even large scale treatment units can be projected to supply small and large cities. The advantages of those treatment units refer to higher efficiency with low costs when compared with conventional units.
This poster presents the preliminary tests on the research about EM activity mechanisms in the activated sludge sewage treatment unit. Several parameters were measured, such as chemical oxygen demand, sludge volume rate and total amount of coliform, which presented significant reductions. It was also included the use of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) in the system for the final purification of the sewage treatment.

Braile, P. M. & Cavalcanti, J. E. W. A. (1993): Manual de Tratamento de Iguas Residußrias Industriais. CETESB, São Paulo, Brasil

Branco, S. M. (1986): Hidrobiologia Aplicada Ó Engenharia Sanitßria. 3rd ed. CETESB/ASCETESB, São Paulo, Brasil.