ifoam'96 ifoam'96
Book of Abstracts
11th IFOAM Scientific Conference
11-15 August 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark
EcoWeb Denmark


China Green Food: Development and Impact. P1; 61

Liu, L.

China Green Food Development Center 15 Xibahe Guangximen Beili Beijing, 100028 P. R. China

China's agriculture made an enormous achievement in 1980s, meanwhile, it was also facing a challenge of sustainable development. In order to find and cultivate a new agricultural »developing point«, at the beginning of 1990s the Chinese government systematically launched Green Food initiative which refers to contamination-free, safe, quality and nutritious food. Enlightened by the organic farming concept, China has establisbed a typical Green Food production system in line with China's real conditions, and has extended this system from state farms and pastures to rural communities. All these practices have achieved significant results and enriched organic farming movements. In the market economic environment the practices conducted by China Green Food is successful in cultivating farmers' ecological and resources consciousness, and converting it into a spontaneous behavior through developing products, and hereby further inducing this behavior into the national management program for resources and environmental protection to push the development of organic farming. Besides, these practices will also cause profound impact on the harmonious development of China's economy and society in the future.