ifoam'96 Book of Abstracts 11th IFOAM Scientific Conference 11-15 August 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark |
Danish Institute of Plant and Soil Science, Dep. of Fruit and Vegetables, DK-5792 Aarslev
The vegetable cultivars grown today have been bred with a view to intensive growing. Selection and testing of new cultivars have until recently primarily been carried out using a normal mineral fertilizing level and with optimal control of weed, diseases and pests. With this system, the basis that is needed to advice on cultivars suitable for organic farming is therefore relatively limited.
When choosing cultivars for organic production there are, further to the general requirements to yield and quality, a number of properties that should be taken into consideration - amongst others: The resistance against diseases and pests. The capacity to utilize the nutrients; it is e. g. desirable to assess the root development. The flavour and nutritive value.
At the poster results from investigations in different types and species of vegetables will be presented: In white cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. convar. capitata) experiments have been carried out with different growth types and cultivars in both a conventional and an organic growing system. Interaction between the cultivars and the growing methods was found concerning total yield, product quality and attack of different pests.
Differences in resistance against diseases have been registrated in testing programmes for new cultivars in leek (Allium porrum L.), carrot (Daucus corata L.), onion (Allium cepa L.) and celeriac (Apium graveolens L. var. rapaceum). Screening tests for susceptibility to diseases under field conditions have been evaluated.
Arenfalk, O., Henriksen, K. and Hagelskjær, L. (1994). Evaluation of heading cabbage varieties for organic cultivation. Nordic Gene Bank - Publication No. 27., 31 pp.
Kjeldsen, G. and Hagelskjær, L. (1993). Varieties of leek, organic growing. Danish Institute of Plant and Soil Science, Research Report No. 5, 32 pp.