ifoam'96 Book of Abstracts 11th IFOAM Scientific Conference 11-15 August 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark |
1ESALQ/University of São Paulo, Brazil; 2Mokiti Okada Foundation, São Paulo, Brazil.
This is a report of case studies of two farms in which the integrated system of Kyusei Nature Farming started in 1994. Animal feeds and EM are the major inputs of a farm. Chicken manure, after six months of bedding is added to the ration of cattle and hogs and fresh solid manure of the latter is also fed to cattle. Only the cattle manure is destined to fertilize crop field.
It seems that the integrated system of Kyusei Nature Farming is very promising and provides high quality and safe foods for human consumption.
Lynch, D. (1993): Practical application of EM technology. Abstract of Third International Kyusei Nature Farming Conference. Santa Barbara, Calif.
Morrison, F. B. (1951): Feeds and Feeding. The Morrison Publishing Co. N.Y. 1207pp.
Vilela, H. (1983): Utilizaão de excrementos de aves para ruminantes. Empresa Brasileira de Assintencia Tecnica e Extensão Rural. Ministirio da Agricultura. Brasilia, 40 pp.