ifoam'96 ifoam'96
Book of Abstracts
11th IFOAM Scientific Conference
11-15 August 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark
EcoWeb Denmark


Manure and Uptake of Nutrients for Spring Wheat. P1; 25

Gabriel, E.M.S.

University of Oslo, Division of Plant Physiology and Botany, Department of Biology. Postbox 1032 Blindern, N-0315 Oslo, Norway

Composted farm manure was used in two factorial pot experiments growing spring wheat (Triticum aestivum vulgare L.) in a growth chamber under controlled conditions in a fytotron. No nitrogen and 60 kg N/ha of Ca(NO3)2 and (NH4)2SO4 was used as references. Bio dynamic preparation was used as factor in the experiment together with fertilizer, water regime and soil type. There were replicates of all treatments.
Compost of farm manure with straw, gave mineralization of nitrogen, high yield of spring wheat, a significant doubling of yield, with mature compost where the straw was decomposed to soil structure, compared to fertilization with not mature compost, under the same conditions in a growth champer. The controls were not affected and were overlapping concerning wheat yield.
The uptake of N, P, K, Mg, S, Fe, Mn and Zn were 70-100% higher in wheat grain fertilized with mature compost, than with compost with visible straw. The concentration of these nutrients in the grain had increased for N, Zn and Fe and were at the same level for P, K, Mg and S.
Bio dynamic preparation treatment showed a yield increase and a significant increase in uptake on the soil with a long-term treatment of organic fertilization and bio dynamic preparation treatment, and a significant decrease on the soil with first time organic fertilization.
The use of bio dynamic field preparation no. 500 and 501 can increase or decrease nutrient uptake in plant matter significantly, when the activity of the micro organisms are an important part of the nitrogen budget, like with nitrification or organic fertilization, and nitrogen is limiting factor.

Gabriel, E. M. S. (1996): Effects of Bio Dynamic Preparation treatment, Compost, Compost Maturity and Leaching on Nitrogen Mineralization, Growth and Nutrient Uptake of Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Cand. Scient Thesis, University of Oslo, Norway, 238 pp.