ifoam'96 ifoam'96
Book of Abstracts
11th IFOAM Scientific Conference
11-15 August 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark
EcoWeb Denmark


Complex of soil microorganisms and agroecosystems state.W17/P2

Polonskaya, J; Boer, I.

Agricultural State University, Krasnoyarsk 660048.

Evaluation of human impact on agroecosystem is very important. The complex of soil microorganisms after human action during 4-20 years: 1) biological technology, 2) intensive technology, 3) air pollution was investigated. At the first variant population of soil microorganisms (especially oxybiotic cellulose-decompositing) was increased. Activity and direction of microbiological processes supported a reproduction of potential soil fertility. At the second variant the complex of soil microorganisms was reduced in 3-10 times. Thus the soil was near stress state. At the third variant strong negative correlation between the complex of soil microorganisms and the distance of agroecosystem from the city was shown.
Response of ecological balanced complex of soil microorganisms to human impact can be used for early evaluation of agroecosystems state.