ifoam'96 ifoam'96
Book of Abstracts
11th IFOAM Scientific Conference
11-15 August 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark
EcoWeb Denmark


Regional parks: Organic agriculture and agroecology W16

Compagnoni, Antonio

Regione Emilia Romagna Assessorato Agricoltura 6 viale Silvani 40122 Bologna Italia AIAB Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica 6 via P. Muratori 41058 Vignola (MO)

Structural conditions of many protected areas and regional natural parks show agriculture and the, many centuries old, relationship between it and the natural environment as a common and relevant characteristic. The project is in compliance with the idea of park not only as protection and conservation of natural resources, but also as a real experimental laboratory where to invest resources to demonstrate the practicability of a sustainable and durable way of development, to be guide and reference for all the territory. It is priority to maintain and, where necessary, rebuild a positive balance between agriculture activities and the natural environment. Looking for practicable ways in the traditional and local culture, in new scientific proposals, taking as constant reference the concrete experiences realised by local organic farmers. Project elaboration engaged all the different subject involved: the parks administrations, the regional departments of agriculture, territory and environment and their respective competent services, the local organic farmers associations. It is suggested to implement a specific co-ordination between the different administrations and subjects involved to realise specific activities in the protected areas and to obtain the best results. The project is planned to be financed as demonstrative project of the regional agri- environmental program (Reg. EEC 2078/92). Direct goals: give to farmers access to all the informations and ways to get them, with a motivated choice, into the agri environmental program, looking for their direct involvementr in the managing of the territory; give to farmers access to extension services to convert their agriculture practices; monitoring and evaluation of the effects of application of agri environmental actions on demonstrative farms and the fall out on the territory; elaboration of data and design of exportable methodology to other regional areas. Actions foreseen: 1) Information and vulgarisation of organic agriculture and activities toward the environment with the related opportunities of premium access to: pubblic and private agriculture and environment technicians opearating in park areas; full and part time farmers operating in the park areas; people living or visiting the park areas. 2) Extension services to farmers that adopt organic agriculture or environmental protection and care of the natural areas practices through: direct and indirect technical support activities; administrative and legislative assistance; marketing advice activities. 3) Extension to public and private structures through: specialized assistence to basic extension services; definition of specific promotional and maketing projects to valorise protected areas products; information to private companies operating in the area about the access to pubblic support policies; activation of computer links with national and international environmental networks and data bank.
In July 1996 starts the first part of the project with a preparatory and organisative work toward the involvment of all regional park and natural reserves administrations, local public and private technicians and farmers. Actions will include: seminars, farm workshops, guided visits to reference organic farms and the realisation of a network of informative offices based in the parks and open to local farmers.