ifoam'96 Book of Abstracts 11th IFOAM Scientific Conference 11-15 August 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark |
1) Department of Agronomy, Wageningen Agricultural University, NL-6709 RZWageningen, 2) Department for Organic Agriculture, Vienna University ofAgricultural Sciences, A-1180 Vienna
Lately a series of studies in Austria has focused on the seed transmitted fungus Tilletia caries as one of the most harmful pathogens in ecologically produced winter wheat seed. The aims were to assess the distribution ofTilletia caries in home-produced seed lots from ecological farms; to gain experimental evidence for the effectiveness of cultural practices (sowing date) and organic seed treatment in disease control.
The screening of 76 seed lots from various parts of Austria revealed a contamination range from 0 to 41.307 spores per kernel. With respect toTilletia caries contamination, only 29% of the samples would have qualified as certified seed.
Plot trials with artificially inoculated seed lots (2g Tilletia caries spores/kg seed) showed that sowings at the turn September/ October were significantly less infected (35% infected spikes) than sowings of mid October (47% infected spikes). Sowings A test series of 14 seed treatment methods on 2 experimental sites showed site-dependent variation in effectiveness of treatments, indicating that soil properties influence the antagonistic effect of certain methods (eg.milk powder).
Arndorfer, M. (1996): Occurrence of Tilletia caries (common bunt) in winterwheat seed from ecological farms in Austria. MSc-Thesis, WageningenAgricultural University
Fischl, M. and J. Hess (1995): Aspekte der Weizensaatguterzeugung und-qualität im biologischen Landbau Österreichs. In: »Beiträge zur 3.Wissenschaftstagung zum Ökologischen Landbau - 21.-23.Februar 1995 an der Ch.Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel«, W
Soellinger, J. (1996): Systemkonforme Bekämpfungsmöglichkeiten desWeizensteinbrandes (Tilletia caries (DC)Tul) im Biologischen Landbau. Diploma-Thesis, Vienna University of Agricultural Sciences, 79 p. Bettina Zaskoda Institut fuer Ökologischen Landbau Universität für BodenkulturWien Gregor-Mendel-Strasse 33 1180 Wien; Tel.: +43-1-47654-3750; FAX: +43-1-47654-3792