ifoam'96 ifoam'96
Book of Abstracts
11th IFOAM Scientific Conference
11-15 August 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark
EcoWeb Denmark


Danish political scene for organic agriculture. W1

Holmbeck, Paul1; Laursen, Torben2; Mathiesen, Flemming Duus3, Gabriel, Søren4

1) The Danish association for organic farming, 2) Co-op Denmark, Roskildevej 65, DK-2620 Albertslund, 3) Danish directorate for development in agriculture and fisheries, Toldbodgade 29, 1253 Copenhagen K, 4) Watershed, Blegdamsvej 4 2200 Copenhagen N.

At the workshop methods crucial for the enhancement of organic agriculture in Denmark will be presented by the Danish association for organic farmers, the directorate for development in agriculture and fisheries and a cooperative supermarket chain, Co-op (FDB) Denmark. The Danish association for organic farmers organizes organic farmers and consumers since 1981. The association has developed their own regulations that formed a basis for the Danish state control and authorization. In 1987 the ecological agricultural council was formed by the ministry of agriculture to promote, follow and evaluate the development and possibilities of a Danish agricultural production. In 1995 the council presented the »plan of action for the advancement of organic food production in Denmark«. FDB has since 1981 distributed organic products to more than 1200 cooperative supermarkets in Denmark. The latest figures from 1996 indicate that the sale of organic products in FDBs shops has increased four times since 1994. Recent analysis shows that 45 percent of the consumers are very interested in organic products.