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Book of Abstracts

11th IFOAM
Scientific Conference
11-15 August 1996
Copenhagen, Denmark

Abstract front page
Subject index
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Extra Papers

Organic Production of Seed Potatoes E4

Hospers, I. A. J. T. M.

Louis Bolk Institute, 3972 LA Driebergen

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Organic farming requires the use of organically-produced planting material. For three years from 1993 to 1995, an on-farm research project was conducted on 15 organic farms. Experiments with regard to the development of specific tools were carried out. One of the major problems in seed potato production is the fungal disease Rhizoctonia solani. An important preventive measure against this disease is the use of planting material that is as free from R. solani as possible. During the growing season, the undisturbed growth of the potato plant is essential. However, a familiar problem in organic farming is that the mineralisation of nitrogen starts too late to meet the needs of the seed potato crop. With regard to the implementation of the measures described above, it was found that general rules and advice are of limited value in organic-farming systems, as any results may greatly be influenced by individual conditions.

Hospers, I. A.J. T. M. (1996): Optimalisering van de biologisch-dynamischeen ekologische pootgoedteelt - Optimization of bio-dynamic and ecologicalcultivation of seed potatoes. Louis Bolk Instituut/Proefstation voor deakkerbouw en de groenteteelt.