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Book of Abstracts

11th IFOAM
Scientific Conference
11-15 August 1996
Copenhagen, Denmark

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Viable Organic Arable Farming Systems S25

Fragstein, P. von1 ; Pouliquenn, Y.2 ; Kalburtji, K.3 ; Gautronneau, Y.4 & Stopes, C.5

1) University of Kassel, Department of Ecological Agriculture, Nordbahnhofstrasse 1a, D-37213 Witzenhausen, Germany; 2) University of Cordoba, Institute of Rural Sociology (ES); 3) Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Laboratory of Ecology and Environmental Protection (GR); 4) Institut Superieur d'Agriculture Rhones-Alpes (FR); 5Elm Farm Research Centre (GB).

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An EU-financed project (AIR3-CT93-0852): ťOn-farm development of organic farming systems: the role of livestock and agro-forestryŤ links five European institutions. There are two tasks: (A) On farm research and farmer participation to increase the potential for organic production in regions where there are limited viable livestock enterprises and/or where it is necessary to protect sensitive mediterranean environments, (B) Detailed study to improve nutrient supply and weed control systems for organic arable crops.

The goal of Task A is to develop a basic farm model including: a) Rotation and fertilization strategy, designed to minimize the loss and optimize the efficient use of nutrients; b) Pest, disease and weed management strategies through crop rotation and crop husbandry; c) Establishment and development of an ecological infrastructure. Four objectives were fixed: A1) Conversion and farm design adapted to specific regions in Spain, Greece and France (FR), A2) Weed control, A3) Nutrient supply, A4) Plant extracts effects on various crops (DE).

Task B involves detailed trials on weed control and nutrient supply with two objectives: (B1) Evaluation of weed populations and crop competitiveness to aid prediction of timing of mechanical weed control in organic systems (GB) and (B2) Management of nutrient supply through crop rotation and/or the use of supplementary nutrient sources.