SymposiaEcolocical Practices of Agriculture of The Island of Chiloe S18Ross, Egon. 5.370 Asana Ltda. Errazuriz 430. Ancud. Chile. |
In this paper, two practices of ecological
agriculture related to the cultivation of potatoes, are described. One of them is the »picado« system of cultivating potatoes. It was practiced by the native inhabitants of the island, making no use of plows nor animal draft. It employs a tool called the »luma« which is a pole constructed out of the tree for which it is named. In modern time use of a »hualato«, a kind of hoe, is more common. The system is called »picado« because holes are made in the ground, where seeds and fertilizer are deposited. Afterwards the area is covered whith the sod that has been removed from between the rows, forming the rows of plants, then the clods of earth are broken up in order to soften the sod, and earth from the furrow is drawn toward the plant. The »picado« system is employed in small extensions, for the cultivation of early potatoes. It has many advantages, one of being the protection of the soil and seed from humidity. Today is rarely practiced. Another practice, more widespread is the use of organic fertilizer such as manure (cattle, sheep) and seaweeds in coastal sectors. There are two way in which the manure is used, direct application and by making stable manure. Seaweeds are mixed into the stable manure or applied to the ground in layers. The use of organic fertilizers means a significant savings of money in the purchase of fertilizer. |