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Book of Abstracts

11th IFOAM
Scientific Conference
11-15 August 1996
Copenhagen, Denmark

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Sustained land use in biosphere reserves S15

Freyer, Bernhard, Hartnagel, Siegfried, Heiz, Brigitte, Kaufmann, Benedikt, Zuberbühler, Dieter

Research Institute of organic agriculture, Bernhardsberg, 4104 Oberwil

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Today, sustained land use is a concern which is in demand worldwide due to continuing erosion, a loss of bio-diversity and stress on the water resources. Sustainability is given if the social, ecological and economic consequences of land use show a positive effect for those concerned. In this investigation a system of indicators is developed which serves for the classification and delimitation of various agricultural interventions in the nature and landscape household and which indicates the stress on the resources on a 5-grade scale. 13 stress potential indicators are defined. The area under study is the biosphere reserve Oberlausitzer Heide and pond landscapes in the Free State of Saxony (Federal Republic of Germany). The area comprises 27.000 ha, 9.200 ha of which being agriculturally used. The actual land use (scenario 0) is assessed with the help of the indicator system and compared with 2 alternative systems of land use (scenario I and II). The land use systems are based on two differing levels of acceptance by the farmers, on prerequisites from the regulations of protected zones as well as on supplementary considerations regarding sustained land use. The eco-logical and economical consequences are demonstrated at the level of atotal of 95 individual landscapes defined according to geo-ecological criteriaand criteria of use. To date, the cultivation method of Integrated Production meets with the greatest acceptance. With the ecological farming, the least pressure is put on the landscape household. Under the agrarian-economic conditions presently existing, ecological farming proves to be economically profitable.

Freyer, B., Hartnagel, S., Heiz, B., Kaufmann, B. & D. Zuberbühler (1996):Naturschutzstrategien im Biosphärenreservat Oberlausitzer Heide und Teich-landschaft. - Bereitstellung von Entscheidungsgrundlagen für eine ressourcen-gerechte Landnutzung - Untersuchung im Auftrag des Ministeriums für Um-welt und Landentwicklung Freistaat Sachsen. Füllgraff, S. & J. Reiche (1992): Umweltindikatoren/Umweltindizes. In:Dreyhaupt, F.- J., Peine, F.-J. & W. Wittkämpfer (Hrsg.) (1992): Umwelt-Handwörterbuch. - Berlin. Uhte, R. (1995): Zur Integration von ökologischen Nebenwirkungen inökonomische Entscheidungsmodelle. - Ber.Ldw.: 33-50.