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Book of Abstracts

11th IFOAM
Scientific Conference
11-15 August 1996
Copenhagen, Denmark

Abstract front page
Subject index
Athor index


Organic Pig Production in Denmark S14

Mortensen, B., Lauritsen H. B. and Petersen, L. B.

National Committee for Pig Breeding, Health and Production Axelborg, Axeltorv 3, 1609 Copenhagen V, Denmark.

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The paper illustrates the production problems attended with organic pic production in Denmark on the basis of a project carried out in the autumn of 1995 by the National Committee for Pig Breeding, Health and Production under the Federation of Danish Pig Producers and Slaughterhouses.

Special attention is given to problems concerning feed supply, feeding on roughage and feedstuffs with a high content of protein. An estimate on the long view of the consequences of organic pig production takes place as to nutrient balances on both farm level and field level. Experience from outdoor pig production has to a great extent been used in order to offer solutions to problems with organic produced sows. Topics, on which future research could profitable be concentrated, are also described.

Eriksen, J. and Askegaard, M. (1995): Næringsstofbalancer i økologisk svineproduktion, rapport over kontraktprojekt for Landsudvalget for Svin, Danske Slagterier. Afdelingen for Plantevækstfaktorer, Statens Planteavlsforsøg, Forskningscenter Foulum, Danmark pp 28.