Companies trading with
organic milkproducts including cheese.
links to the dairy companies and the organic sortiment on the dairy / milk
sector at:
Organic Fair
At the
organic fair, you will find cheese, milk, yoghurt and other dairy products
Arla Foods
Skanderborgvej 277
8260 Viby J
tel: (+45) 89 38 10 00
Kirk A/S
Søvind Mejeri
Haldrupvej 2, Søvind
8700 Horsens
tel: (+45) 76 69 10 00, fax: (+45) 76 69 10 05
Dairy. Cheese. Wholesale. Export.
Naturmælk A.m.b.a.
Gerrbækvej 24, Broderup
6360 Tinglev
tel: (+45) 74 64 28 01, fax: (+45) 74 64 28 11
Dairy. Wholesale and export. Fresh milk, cheese, butter.
Storhedevejen 32, Taul
8850 Bjerringbro
tel: (+45) 86 68 64 44, fax: (+45) 86 68 62 75
Wholesale. Cheese, fresh milk, butter, milk pouder. Import/export.
Thise Mejeri a.m.b.a.
Sundsørevej 62
7870 Roslev
tel: (+45) 97 57 80 01, fax: (+45) 97 57 81 22
Dairy. Wholesale and export. Fresh milk, cheese, butter, yoghurt, etc. Trademark:
Cheese A/S
Mejeri K/S
Borupvej 69
3320 Skævinge
tel: (+45) 48 28 41 51, fax: (+45) 48 28 91 05
Dairy. Wholesale. Fresh milk