Companies trading with
organic meat.
Note: Not all companies mentioned are ready for international trade
Organic meat companies and meat products on the sector for meat and fish
Organic Fair
note that the following adresses are about to be updated soon:
Chr. Vollstedt
Naffet 22
6100 Haderslev
tel: (+45) 74 52 21 60, fax: (+45) 74 52 27 60
Production and wholesale. Sausages.
Dansk Økologi
Postboks 2, Traverbanevej 10 A
2920 Charlottenlund
tel: (+45) 39 64 16 10, fax: (+45) 39 63 37 77
Import agency.
DK. Trading
Torvegade 12, postboks 34
6701 Esbjerg
tel: (+45) 75 13 66 33, fax: (+45) 75 13 31 89
Import and wholesale. Poultry.
Christensen & Søn Kødopskæring A/S
Ingerslevsgade 42
1705 København V
tel: (+45) 33 86 27 00, fax: (+45) 33 86 27 02
Wholesale and export. Beef and pork.
Anlægsvej 3, Farre
7323 Give
tel: (+45) 75 73 31 00
Wholesale of sausages and other meatproducts
Friland Food A/S
Østergades Butikstorv 7, Jebjerg
7870 Roslev
tel: (+45) 97 57 47 99, fax: (+45) 97 57 41 99
Salescompany for field produced meat. Export/import.
Frydenholm ApS
Stestrup Old 24
4360 Kr. Eskilstrup
tlf. /fax: (+45) 20 13 92 13
Wholesale. Fresh meat.
Gjern Fjerkræ
Hammelvej 3, Holmstol
8883 Gjern
tel: (+45) 86 87 51 44, fax: (+45) 86 87 56 41
Poultry slaugtherhouse. Wholesale of hens for processing
Sandbjergvej 83
2950 Vedbæk
tel: (+45) 45 66 25 40, fax: (+45) 45 66 25 50
Wholesale of meatproducts. Import
Resenbrovej 29, Voel
8600 Silkeborg
tel: (+45) 86 85 36 72, fax: (+45) 86 85 36 73
Fully organic slaughterhouse and processingcompany. Wholesale. Export. Beef, pork,
Henrik Hansen
Bygaden 7
4370 Store Merløse
tel: (+45) 57 80 10 28, fax: (+45) 57 80 01 28
Wholesale. Meat.
I/S Andersen
Slagtergården i Holbæk
Smedelundsgade 23
4300 Holbæk
tel: (+45) 59 43 02 05, fax: (+45) 59 43 12 85
Wholesale of sausages and other meatproducts.
Inco Svendborg
Slagtehus A/S
Porthusvej 75
5700 Svendborg
tlf. 62 21 32 78, fax: 62 22 32 78
Slaugtherhouse. Wholesale of fresh meat.
Jama Ost
Hørgårdsvej 46
8240 Risskov
tel: (+45) 86 17 80 40, fax: (+45) 86 17 87 33
Wholesale. Meat and meatproducts.
Hagemannsvej 10
8600 Silkeborg
tel: (+45) 86 81 15 33, fax: (+45) 86 80 16 32
Wholesale. Meat and meatproducts.
Skuld Pølser
Østergade 4, Skuldelev
4050 Skibby
tel: (+45) 47 52 06 33
Wholesale of sausages and other meatproducts.
SSS Pølser
Baldersbuen 29
2640 Hedehusene
tel: (+45) 46 56 23 20
Production and wholesale. Sausages and other meatproducts
Th. Schulz A/S
Solbjerg Hovedgade 11
8355 Solbjerg
tel: (+45) 86 92 72 00, fax: (+45) 86 92 73 82
Catering. Meatproducts.
Kontrolhønseri I/S
Råsøvej 23
4160 Herlufmagle
tel: (+45) 57 64 21 47, fax: (+45) 57 64 22 06
Export. Hens for processing.
Slagtefjerkræ A.m.b.a. (ØSA)
c/o Jens Bo Jacobsen, formand
Vestergade 14
5884 Gudme
tel: (+45) 62 25 25 06, fax: (+45) 62 25 24 14
Wholesale and production. Poultry.
Teglværksvej 10
7741 Frøstrup
tel: (+45) 97 99 14 53/mobile: (+45) 40 29 14 53, fax: (+45) 97 99 14 81
Slaughterhuse. Poultry. Wholesale and export.
Aars Slagteri
Industrivej 52, Postbox 123
9600 Aars
tel: (+45) 98 62 58 22, fax: (+45) 98 62 49 88
Wholesale. Beef and pork. |